When coffee was first introduced in Europe during the second part of the seventeenth century, there was a great deal of controversy about it. Many “learned doctors” announced that coffee was a strong poison and should be prohibited. Others insisted it was a good thing to drink coffee, and “coffee-houses” sprang up everywhere.


Coffee can actually act as a poison when it is given in large doses to animals in laboratory tests. It can also produce toxic effects in small children. But for adults who drink it in moderation, it is definitely not a poison.


The coffee bean contains one per cent of a substance known as caffein, which is always combined with acids. Most people believe that it is the caffein which produces all the effects that coffee has on the body, but the other substances in the coffee bean are involved too.


Here are some of the things that happen when someone drinks coffee. The odor of the coffee itself produces stimulating effects in various parts of the body. The blood vessels in the brain are dilated so that circulation is improved, and this removes some of the fatigue toxins from the brain.


Coffee increases the pulse rate, which means it stimulates the heart. Coffee increases the tone of the muscles, so they can work harder. The intestine becomes more active because of coffee, which has a slight laxative effect. Coffee makes the gastric glands secrete more actively. For healthy people, this is desirable, especially after a heavy meal. But for others it may produce “heartburn.” Coffee also helps the body remove salts from the blood.


Coffee actually produces different effects on the body at different times of the day! The morning coffee for instance, acts on the kidneys and helps the body get rid of waste products accumulated during the night. Coffee after lunch, however, acts on the gastric glands and helps digestion. Afternoon coffee acts on the muscles and helps us feel less tired. And coffee taken in the evening seems to stimulate the mind and the imagination!

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