Category Archives: WHO?


The word microscope is a combination of two Greek words, mikros, or “small,” and skopos, or “watcher.” So microscope is a “watcher of the small!” It is an instrument used to see tiny things which are invisible to the naked eye closer it is brought to the human eye.

But when it is nearer than 25 centimeters, it is not clear. It is said to be out of focus. Now if a simple convex lens is placed between the eye and the object, the object can be brought nearer than 25 centimeters and still be in focus.


We tend to think of Britain as being part of Europe since the beginning of history, but actually this isn’t so. It wasn’t until the first century B.C., when the Romans invaded Britain, that anyone in Europe knew anything at all about Britain. Its history before that is something we know very little about.


At the time of the first invasion, the inhabitants were called Britons. They spoke various Celtic dialects, practiced some agriculture, raised cattle and horses, and used iron for their tools and weapons. Most of them lived in thatch-roofed huts in small villages. It was the Romans who built cities there and connected them with roads.


In many doctors’ offices, you will see a framed document on the wall called the Hippocratic Oath. This is an oath taken by doctors when they graduate from medical school. What is this oath and who was Hippocrates?


Before the age of scientific medicine, which we have today, man had a form of medicine that depended on magicians and witch doctors. Then, in ancient Egypt and India, a more sensible form of medicine developed. The ancient Egyptians, for example, were good observers. They had medical schools, and practiced surgery. But the treatment of disease was still a part of the Egyptian religion, with prayers, charms, and sacrifices as a part of the treatment.