It seems almost a shame to learn the true facts about Santa Claus. We almost hate to discover what’s really behind some tradition we especially enjoy because that might spoil it for us.

Well, knowing about Christmas and Santa Claus shouldn’t spoil anything for you, but only make it more meaningful. Long before Christ was born, people used to celebrate the winter solstice as the birthday of the sun. This time of year was a holiday in many parts of the world before it became the Christmas celebration. That’s why some of the customs and traditions of Christmas go back to pagan times.

The custom of giving presents, for example, goes back to the ancient Romans. In the Bible, as you know, the Wise Men brought gifts to Jesus on the 12th day after his birth. And so in some countries, the children receive their presents not on Christmas, but 12 days later.

In some of the northern countries of Europe, the gifts are exchanged almost three weeks before Christmas. The reason for this is that the gifts are supposed to be brought by Saint Nicholas on the eve of his feast day, December 6th.

Saint Nicholas was a bishop of the fourth century who came to be regarded as a special friend of the children. So, in countries like Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Austria, and in parts of Germany, Saint Nicholas returns every year with gifts for good children.

When the Dutch went abroad, they carried the traditions of Saint Nicholas with them. They called him San Nicolaas, and this soon was changed to Sankt Klaus, and then Santa Claus. But in this country, we moved the date of his arrival to Christmas Eve, and gradually his red costume, the reindeer, and his home at the North Pole became part of the tradition.

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