For men who are becoming a little bald, hair doesn’t grow fast enough! But in the case of a young boy, the hair seems to grow too fast!

The rate at which hair grows has actually been measured and found to be about 12 millimeters a month. The hair doesn’t grow at the same rate throughout the day but seems to follow a kind of rhythm.

At night, the hair grows slowly, but as day begins, this is speeded up. Between 10 and 11 AM, the speed of growth is at its greatest. Then the hair grows slowly again. It picks up speed between 4 and 6 PM, and then the growing slows up again. Of course, these variations in the speed of growth are so tiny that you cannot possibly notice them. So don’t expect to stand in front of the mirror at 10 AM and be able to watch your hair sprouting up!

If all the hair that grows on the body were to grow in a sort of hair cable, instead of as individual hairs, you would get some idea of the total amount of hair the body produces. This hair cable would grow at the rate of 3 centimeters per minute, and by the end of the year, the tip would be 37 miles (59 kilometers) away.

Not all people have the same amount of hair. Blond people have finer hair and more hair than dark persons. Red haired people have the coarsest and the fewest hairs.

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