We do see many people who have this ability(power) – not on rare occasions, but more frequently than the average person. Immediately a question arises in our minds – “How do they do it?” It is believed by most of the people that they are gifted with clairvoyance or precognition, or that they have extra-sensory perception. This means that they can perceive certain things beyond the use of the ordinary senses.

At Duke University, for more than 25 years, Prof.J.B.Rhine has been carrying on experiments intended to prove that ESP exists and to measure it in people. These experiments involved clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.

In the clairvoyance tests, a special deck of cards is used. This deck is made up of five cards, each with five different symbols: i.e., a cross, a circle, a star, three wavy lines, and a square. The experiments consist of having people who are supposed to have E.S.P identify cards in various ways without seeing them. When the number of correct guesses is higher than the ordinary person achieves, this is considered proof that the person has E.S.P.

In the Telepathy experiments, a person tries to “read the mind” of the one conducting the experiment by guessing the cards.

In the precognition experiments, an attempt is made to predict a sequence of events before they occur, again using the cards or dice.

There is good deal of controversy as to whether these experiments have actually proved the existence of E.S.P. Now there is considerable agreement that the results do indicate something(quantum unknown) that was not happening by chance alone.

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