In deciding upon a unit of measurement, it is possible to pick anything. For example, the average height of a man could possibly have been a unit of measurement. In fact, some of the units used today in English speaking countries are based on such things as the distance from a man’s elbow to the tip of his middle finger, or the weight of a grain of wheat.


Because there have been so many differences in weights and measures used in different countries, an international system has been urged. If one system were to be adopted by all countries of the world, it would probably be the metric system.


Man has always looked for some way to explain life and what happened in the world about him. In primitive times, this was done by creating myths in which nature was controlled by spirits.


The first people who tried to think about the forces of nature not as the acts of spirits but simply as forces were the ancient Greeks. But they tried to discover truth by observation and reasoning alone, without making experiments. So they made many errors and accepted many theories that explained most of the facts, but not all.


It seems that the idea of rolling a round object in order to knock over a group of standing objects, occurred to man as one of the first ways to play a game. In the, grave of an Egyptian child, more than 7,000 years old, implements have been found which were used in playing a game very similar to modern tenpins!


There is even evidence that during the Stone Age there was some sort of bowling game in which large pebbles and rocks were rolled at pointed stones which served as pins.