There are many different kinds of baldness, but in most cases, it’s a condition over which a man has absolutely no control and for which there simply is no cure.

People say all kinds of things about baldness: It means a man IS getting old; or it means he’s unusually intelligent; or he’s unusually dull. But all baldness really means is that a man is losing his hair!


Most of us think of plastic surgery as the kind of operation people have when they want to straighten a nose, or otherwise change the appearance of their faces in some way.

This is really cosmetic surgery and is only a branch of plastic surgery. Today, plastic surgery includes such things as correcting some deformity that a person may have been born with; or repairing the skin after a tumor has been removed or after a person has suffered severe burns.


It may be hard for us to believe, but every year more than 2,000,000 people die of malaria! It’s one of the most common diseases in the world, especially near tropical rivers and coasts. The reason it’s common in such regions is that they are the habitats of the anopheles, the mosquito which carries the germ.

The malaria germ destroys red blood cells. Each germ soon divides into several parts. These are released from the red blood cell to attack new blood cells, causing chills and fever.