Monthly Archives: April 2014


Do you know what the word “armadillo” means? It’s a Spanish word meaning “the little armored one.” And that’s just what an armadillo is, a little mammal with a bony covering that is like armor.

There are ten different kinds of armadillos living from southern United States to southern South America. The upper parts of armadillos are covered with bony shells. These include one on the head and two solid pieces on the back. These two pieces are connected by a flexible center section made up of movable bands. This enables the armadillo to twist and turn.


One of the most interesting animals to be found anywhere is the mole. Moles live in every part of the United States and there are about 30 different species. But they are so seldom seen by people that they have become a kind of mysterious creature.

You can find a mole by looking for the long ridges of cracked earth it makes across fields. This is the roof of its tunnel, for the mole spends its whole life in darkness under the ground.


A bloodhound, of course, is a breed of dog. But how did it develop? Where did it come from?

The history of the dog itself goes back many hundreds of thousands of years. Some scientists believe that dogs are the result of the mating of their cousins, the wolves and the jackals. It is generally believed however that our modern dogs and the wolves are descended from a very remote common ancestor.