Category Archives: WHAT?


If man didn’t have a wonderful power of imagination, we’d probably have no superstitions at all. Also, if people didn’t learn more and more about certain things that happen in nature, these superstitions would probably never die.


The will-o’-the-wisp has been the subject of many amazing superstitions for hundreds of years. There are many tales told of travelers who lost their way in swamps and marshes by following a blue flame that seemed to dance ahead of them. This was the will-o’-the-wisp, or jack-o’-lantern, and it was supposed to be an evil spirit that lured men to their death.


When you go to sleep and have a dream, “you” are doing something in the dream. But at the same time, there is your body asleep in bed! Who or what, is that other “you” that does act those things in Your dream?


Primitive man, who didn’t understand dreams as we do today, believed that a part of you actually left your body during sleep, and he considered that part your – soul. Now, if your “soul” could leave your body during sleep, then it could also leave your body when you died!


Every now and then you read of someone being arrested for using or possessing marijuana. The law prohibits the use of it in this country.


Marijuana is obtained from the hemp plant. It is a drug but, unlike many other drugs, it is not recognized as a medicine. It acts as a narcotic, which means it can produce a stupor. As a narcotic it is either smoked or eaten, and it has been used by people since ancient times. In India it is known as bhang, charas, or ghanga; in Egypt it is known as hashish; in North Africa it is known as kif; and in the Western Hemisphere it is called “marijuana.”