Would the world really be so much better off if there were no dust? The answer is: in some ways—yes; in some ways—no. What is dust, anyway? It consists of particles of earth, or other solid matter, which are light enough to be raised and carried by the wind. Where do these particles come from? They might come from dead plant and animal matter, from sea salt, from desert or volcanic sand, and from ashes or soot.

For the most part, dust is not a very desirable or beneficial thing. But in one way, it helps make the world more beautiful! The lovely colors of the dawn and of twilight depend to a great extent on the amount of dust that is present in the air.

Particles of dust in the upper air reflect the sun’s rays. This makes its light visible on earth an hour or two after sunset. The different colors which make up the sun’s light are bent at different angles as they are reflected by the dust and water vapor particles. Sunsets are red because these particles bend the red rays of the sun in such a way that they are the last rays to disappear from view.

Another useful function of dust has to do with rain. The water vapor in the air would not become a liquid very readily if it did not have the dust particles serving as centers for each drop of water. Therefore, clouds, mist, fog, and rain are largely formed of an infinite number of moisture-laden particles of dust.

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